GoFundMe Daily Tasks Dashboard

Writing helpful, actionable daily tasks for organizers to complete and boost their fundraiser 💡

3 weeks
1 product manager
1 product designer
2 content designers
Content areas:
Brand voice and tone



The Manage experience for fundraisers and organizers was getting redesigned this summer and this came with new features for a user’s dashboard when they click into their fundraiser.

The new Manage Dashboard is place to give organizer’s a hub where they can feel supported and guided throughout the process and it is also a place where they are highlighted and celebrated for their impact. 


Current Manage Dashboard
Revised Manage Dashboard 

The newly designed Manage Dashboard includes many more features that require a lot of content revision to make the language as encouraging and empowering as possible. 

The main areas of the new dashboard that I worked on were the Daily Tasks and Insight Tiles. 


Daily Tasks

I came up with an “anatomy of daily tasks” to help structure what each task was made up of. For each task, we tried to adhere to this structure for consistency and clarity. 

Content experiments for different tasks

Final copy for some of the tasks 

For the Daily Tasks, I was writing copy from scratch using the structure that I outlined in the anatomy, while also adhering to GoFundMe’s voice and tone. 

Insight Tiles

I also helped rewrite some existing copy for the Insight Tiles. These tiles are for the user to see stats related to their fundraiser. I focused on making the copy more personalized and inspiring, while also considering localization. 


This project is currently in development and is set to be launched sometime in the fall of 2022.